Trade flourishes, your clan grows in power, and the coveted title of Minos feels within your grasp. Yet, in the intricate web of life, nothing is achieved without the favor of the gods. To earn their attention, you offer gifts, orchestrate sacred dances, and commission a magnificent bull’s head adorned with golden horns for your household altar. You pray, hoping for the blessing of the Great Mother Goddess. For you know, that without divine favor, life would be far more uncertain, its challenges unbearable. You are worthy and you will prove it. It is your conviction. Your faith.


Minos: Dawn of Faith is an expansion for Minos: Dawn of the Bronze Age.


  • Expansion
  • Euro Game
  • Civilization
  • Economic
  • Mythology


  • Action Drafting
  • Action Points
  • Action Queue
  • Area Majority / Influence
  • Dice Rolling
  • Open Drafting
  • Variable Player Powers