As the demand for tulips steadily grows, so does your desire to expand. You begin to envision new markets, new homes for your prized bulbs. The decision to buy a ship and take to the seas feels not just natural, but necessary—a bold step toward securing your future as a key player in the burgeoning tulip trade. With sails raised and hopes high, you set off, determined that your tulips will one day be among the most sought-after in the world.


Windmill Valley: Blooming Sails is an expansion for a well-known euro game Windmill Valley.


  • Expansion
  • Euro Game
  • Economic
  • Farming


  • End Game Bonuses
  • Market
  • Multi-Use Cards
  • Network and Route Building
  • Rondel
  • Solo / Solitaire Game
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Variable Set-up