B&D CON April 10–11, 2021

While we miss in-person conventions, the thing we miss the most are meeting with our friends, gamers, designers, artists—in other words—we miss seeing you! 🙂

As is usual this time of year, we have brand new secret projects we want to give you a sneak peak of, though not via e-mail or social media, but LIVE. Therefore, we are running our first ever B&D CON in April.

Let me tell why we are so excited and share a few more details of what you can expect to see and play!

Save the date!

B&D CON will happen during the weekend of APRIL 10–11, 2021. This means we are preparing to bring you a full two days of gaming!

What can you expect?

We will provide a lot of different activities you can participate in:

  • Live streams: Your favorite vloggers and media personalities play our upcoming games. Each play-through will be accompanied by a rules explanation to help you follow along and be as excited as we are for these new titles.
  • Interviews and panels: This is your chance to ask questions to famous game designers, like Adam Kwapiński, and to get a closer look at the board game art creation process.
  • Demo tables: If, at some point, you will say “Ok, enough talking. I want to get my hands on these games and play them!”—we will have demo tables available almost 24/7 during the entire B&D CON. Try Mandala Stones, Origins: First Builders, Zapotec, and more!

Just to name a few people you will be able to interact with: Steph (All the Meeples of the Rainbow), Stella (Meeple University), Nick and Mike (The Brothers Murph), Edward (Heavy Cardboard), David and Ryan (Man vs Meeple), Adam Kwapiński (Designer of Origins: First Builders), Ode (Designer of La Granja), as well as several game artists: Zbyszek Umgelter, Agnieszka Kopera, Paulina Wach, Magdalena Klepacz…and the list is still growing.

To summarize—B&D CON is promising to be two delightful days packed with interesting panels run by Game Artists, Developers, and Designers and hosted by our fabulous media friends from across the world.

Where will this be hosted?

We will be using Discord during the entire event, including for audio during game demos. Additionally, we will be streaming all interviews, panels, and other featured content live to both Twitch and Facebook.

If you are not familiar with our Discord server or Twitch channel—don’t worry! We will be sure to provide all the links necessary to make it easy for you to join the festivities.

I want more details!

We are still working on the finer details of our B&D CON schedule, but you can expect the next e-mail to include information about every event date, time, topic, and guests. Ongoing updates will also be provided via social media and our Twitch channel where you will find additional news every week. The full schedule will also be posted to our website as we get a little bit closer to the actual event.

Oh, oh! Before I finish…during B&D CON we will also talk about the upcoming stand-alone game in the Teotihuacan line as well as announce a NEW project involving a game ranked Top-200 on BGG which will receive a DELUXE treatment to become part of our DELUXE MASTER SET line!

Hope this will make you excited!